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We're Getting Ready For the 2022-23 School Year!

It's mid-July, and things are in full swing at the dance studio; the schedule is ready, new dancers are registering every day, and our teachers are getting excited to see everyone again as well as excited to meet new dancers!

Of course, the world is still dealing with COVID-19. But it's getting easier and hopefully as more and more people are vaccinated we will all have less to worry about. In the meantime, we're still working hard to be sure that our dancers, their families and our teachers all safe and healthy.

Here's how we're doing our part:

  • All dance classes will be taught in-person, however, zoom sessions will be offered if your dancer needs to stay home due to COVID or has been exposed to COVID. Dance classes are much more beneficial in-person, but we are happy to let a dancer join us virtually if the need arises.

  • As of now (July 19), masks are not required for anyone who is vaccinated. We ask that anyone who is not vaccination please wear a mask. All of our faculty is fully vaccinated and have received their booster shots. However, if anyone in our classes is wearing a mask, our teachers will also wear a mask. We want everyone to be comfortable and confident in our dance classes. If Public Health Madison Dane County changes the mask mandate again, we will post any changes that apply to Premier on our social media pages and on our website, as well as send an email to all Premier families.

  • To help with social distancing, it is appreciated if dancers are dropped off no more than 5 minutes before class and are picked up within 5 minutes of classes ending. We understand that there are times that this isn't possible. We'll never ask your dancer to leave the building when they are waiting for a ride, but we appreciate every attempt at being timely.

  • Dancers should arrive dressed for class, with a water bottle, and having used the bathroom before coming to the studio. Since our teachers are teaching dance classes, we are unable to clean the bathrooms between each use, therefore it is helpful if the bathroom is only used when necessary.

  • If anyone in your household is experiencing symptoms or thinks they may have been exposed, do not send your dancer to the studio. We all need to do our part to keep each other safe. You can always ask for the login code for online class if you need to keep your dancer home.

  • Highly-touched surfaces will be cleaned between classes.

  • Dancers should use the hand sanitizer dispenser at the entrance of their dance room. As always, we have hand sanitizer and tissues available for dancers in the dance room. We ask that dancers ball up used tissue before dropping it into the wastebasket to keep used tissues from overflowing and falling on the dance floor.

I am so excited to see our dancers again! Even though the list above looks daunting (so many rules and regulations), in the grand scheme of things it really is minor. Dance is one of the most inclusive activities that a child can participate in and Premier is doing everything we can to be sure that your dancer enjoys another school year of dance!


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7475 Mineral Point Rd. Suite 34

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