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What's New At Premier?

We're getting ready for the 2019-20 School Year. It's a bittersweet time of year for all of us... summer is almost over and that means back to the grind. But at the same time, the grind is pretty fun too! Exciting new schedules, new school supplies, new dance clothes and/or shoes, new friends, and more!

So, what's new at Premier?

Well, for starters, the schedule is new. For most dancers, their class day stayed the same, but their schedule may have changed slightly. As dancers advance, they need more time in class each week. If you see that your dancer's class is longer this year, it's for a good reason. It means he/she is getting to a level where we feel they can handle a longer class. And that longer class is really necessary - warming up properly for more athletically challenging steps is important. We also need the extra time for learning those new steps and for learning choreography when the time comes.

The second change at Premier is that Miss Melanie will not be teaching this year. We are heartbroken, because everyone adores Miss Melanie, but she has moved to Milwaukee. She and her husband hope to be back in the Madison area someday in the future, and Miss Melanie assures me that she'll be back at Premier when that happens.

The third new thing, isn't exactly new but it has been "upgraded"... Three years ago we introduced end of class activities for every class from Primary I level classes on up. We spend 5-7 minutes at the end of every class delving deeper into our dance vocabulary, dance history, current events and experimenting with student choreography. It's been a successful addition to our curriculum, and so I've taken it to the next level. "Elevate Dance" is now a separate business! I've begun mass production on end-of-class-activities to sell to dance studios across the country. You'll see the NEW Elevate Dance at the studio - we'll use it in classes every week, just like always, but it's no longer the hand-made arts & crafts project that it started out as - now it's a quality product that will be found in dance studios every where. And when you hear about someone else using it in class, be proud to know that we had it at Premier FIRST!

We're looking forward to a great year with your dancer!

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7475 Mineral Point Rd. Suite 34

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